This course will...

  • Guide you towards inhabiting and expressing your unique beauty

  • Unleash the harmonic, feminine radiance that lives in your heart

  • Give you tools to feel lighter and more free in your body and energy

  • Make you irresistibly magnetic to everything you could ever desire in life

Pricing options

Choose a plan that works for you!


  • Embodiment Practices to Unleash Your Radiance

    Customized yin yoga, meditation, and somatic practices to evoke more beauty, radiance, and glow from your body and energy.

  • Unique, Nervous System-Centered Curriculum

    A body-based approach to feminine energy that prioritizes nervous system education and self care.

  • Lifetime Access to a Course Dashboard

    You are welcome to revisit the nervous system lessons, yoga classes, meditations, reflections, and other embodiment practices as often as you would like! You will also get automatic access to any course additions in the future.

Expressing your feminine radiance means that...

  • You effortlessly attract masculine protection & support

  • Your energy, presence, and body are youthful and filled with vitality

  • You are connected with your innate beauty

  • You turn heads when you walk into a room

  • Everything you want is drawn to you without having to life a finger

When you radiate your stunning feminine energy, everything becomes effortless

And why wouldn't it?   You are literally a Divine Goddess in physical form.  

Your power comes from BEING.  
From being juicy,
And aligned with love.

No one will be able to resist you when you are glowing from the inside out

So pour into yourself, queen
Nourish yourself.
Meditate on love and harmony.
Move your body in pleasure.

From your radiant overflow, you will be able to give more than you could every imagine to this world.

Course curriculum

  • 1


    • Welcome <3

    • Course Overview

  • 2


    • Lesson: Beauty

    • Reflection: Beauty

    • Meditation + Reflection: Embodying Nature's Beauty

    • Embodiment: Mirror Practice for Self Love

    • Meditation: Attuning to Radiant Light

    • Meditation: Infusing the 5 Senses with Harmony

    • About: Beauty Rituals

    • Embodiment: Beauty Rituals

    • Reflection: Grooming

    • Practice: Face Massage for Relaxation & Beauty

    • Practice: Neck Stretch for Relaxation & Beauty

    • Implementing Beauty into Your Routine

  • 3

    Heart Radiance

    • Lesson: Heart Radiance

    • Reflection: Sinking Into My Heart

    • Lesson: Heart Intuition

    • Audio Article: The Science of Gratitude

    • Q&A: Thinking vs. Feeling Gratitude

    • Meditation: Embodying Gratitude

    • Meditation: Heart Exploration

    • Yoga: Flowing in Heart Radiance

    • Yoga: Yin Practice to Melt the Heart

    • Embodiment: Heart Movement

    • Embodiment: Heart Tapping & Brushing

    • Embodiment: 3 Steps to Heart Coherence

    • Meditation: Alchemize Unpleasant Emotions

    • Q&A: Unpleasant Emotions and the Field

    • Q&A: The Energy of Venting

    • Implementing Radiance into your Routine

  • 4


    • Lesson: Vitality

    • Q & A: Beauty vs. Vitality

    • Meditation: Hydrating Balm for Dryness

    • Info: How to Move Through This Module

    • Meditation: Evoking Vibrancy

    • Lesson: Sleep

    • Reflection: Sleep

    • Q & A: Scrolling Temptation

    • Lesson: Water

    • Recap: 3 Steps to Revitalize Water

    • Reflection: Water

    • Lesson: Movement

    • Note: Pay Attention to Cycles

    • Reflection: Movement

    • Lesson: Nutrition

    • Reflection: Nutrition

    • Recap: Vitality

  • 5


    • Lesson: Feminine Lightness

    • Reflection: Clearing Space

    • Meditation: Clear Excess Energy

    • Meditation: Evoke Spaciousness

    • Q&A: More About the Quantum Field

    • Lesson: Iridescent Light

    • Q & A: Meditating with a Candle

    • Meditation: Attune to Your Rainbow Light

    • Reflection: Light Resonance

    • Meditation: A Waterfall of Iridescent Light

    • Recap: Light

What other goddesses have to say...

  • Shivani, Consultant & Game Creator

    On the last day of the Glow course, I got a job offer after many months of job searching! I'd recommend this course to anyone who is ready to commit to doing the practices repeatedly and trusting the process. I'm using my new tools and aim to shine brighter.

  • Angel, Feminine Energy Life Consultantt

    The meditations, stretches, and nervous system conditioning techniques taught by Amanda have become integral to my daily routine. Each day, I delve deeper into the experience of being a Goddess, as envisioned in this transformative course.

  • Juliette, Artist

    Amanda is an incredible teacher who weaves together science, well-being and spirituality in the most harmonious and powerful way. She creates an environment that feels both grounded and stimulating, and as a result of my experience with her I feel like I've gained tools to move through life with a renewed sense of confidence, ease, and curiosity.

Have you taken 'Level 1: Soften' yet?

It's highly recommend for students to move through this course prior to Level 2: GLOW

A bit about me...

For many years, my masculine energy dominated my life - my romantic relationships, my career, and the way I related to my body. 

Needless to say... I was tense.

My brow was furrowed from over-focusing
My breath was short from rushing
My jaw was clenched from trying to control everything

Little did I know that, despite all of my hard work, I was actually repelling the life that I truly wanted as a feminine essence woman.

So I learned to soften.
I learned to let go.
I learned to let my inherent feminine radiance live on every  cell of my skin.
I learned to glow.

I'm still learning <3

My body based framework comes from a mix of both science & magic - I have a B.S. in Neuroscience, a minor in Dance, a certificate in Rolfing Structural Integration. and over a decade of experience as a Yoga Instructor.

Visit my website to learn more!

website | youtube | linkedin